Cuidado de Heridas

Keratosis pilaris causes tiny, rough feeling bumps to appear on the skin, most often on the upper arms and thighs. While treatment isn’t necessary for keratosis pilaris, if the itch, dryness or appearance bother you, board-certified dermatologists recommend these tips. For more information, visit
Masks can be hard on your skin, causing problems that range from acne and peeling skin to rashes and itchiness. To help prevent skin problems from developing under your mask, board-certified dermatologists recommend these skin care tips. For more information, visit
Consumer demand for virtual health care has exploded during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to telemedicine, patients with new concerns and those with chronic conditions can have an appointment with a board-certified physician from the comfort and safety of their homes. To help patients get the most out of their telemedicine appointments, board-certified dermatologists recommend following
As people age, it’s natural to experience thinner, drier skin and an increase in wrinkles and other signs of aging. However, your environment and lifestyle choices can sometimes cause your skin to age prematurely. To prevent premature skin aging, board-certified dermatologists recommend following these simple tips. For more information, visit
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Esta web utiliza cookies para de analítica para usos estadísticos de forma que podamos ofrecerte la mejor experiencia de usuario posible. También usamos cookies de terceros para mostrarte contenido de otras fuentes como YouTube, Twitter, etc y también para que puedas compartir contenido en tus redes sociales. La información de las cookies se almacena en
Esta web utiliza cookies para de analítica para usos estadísticos de forma que podamos ofrecerte la mejor experiencia de usuario posible. También usamos cookies de terceros para mostrarte contenido de otras fuentes como YouTube, Twitter, etc y también para que puedas compartir contenido en tus redes sociales. La información de las cookies se almacena en
When building a skin care routine, it’s important to remember that products don’t need to be expensive to be effective. Adopting a simple, three-step approach that includes cleansing, moisturizing, and protecting your skin can help reduce skin care costs while keeping your skin healthy. In addition to simplifying your approach, follow these tips from board-certified
Radiation therapy plays an important role in treating cancer. However, it can also produce some uncomfortable or even painful side effects on the skin, such as itchiness, redness, blistering, and peeling. To take care of your skin during radiation therapy, follow these tips from board-certified dermatologists. To learn more, visit
For people with skin of color, acne is often accompanied by dark spots or patches called hyperpigmentation. Fortunately, there are plenty of things people with skin of color can do at home to help clear their acne, as well as the dark spots that linger afterwards. To learn more, visit Photo credit: ©DermNet New
While nothing can substitute for an effective treatment agreed upon between a patient and their physician, practicing certain health habits may prevent lupus from worsening and lessen the risk of long-term side effects. To help care for your skin, the American Academy of Dermatology recommends these tips from board-certified dermatologists. To learn more, visit
Menopause, which officially begins one year after a woman’s last period, can bring with it some noticeable changes to the skin and hair. However, with the right care, you can lessen these effects. To care for your skin during menopause, follow these tips from board-certified dermatologists. For more information, visit
La dermatitis atópica (también conocida como eccema) es una afección cutánea común en los bebés. Afecta hasta al 25% de los niños, y se estima que el 60% de las personas con eccema lo desarrollan durante su primer año de vida. Si bien no existe una cura, los dermatólogos de la Academia Estadounidense de Dermatología