Cuidado de Heridas

Although ear piercings are more common and can be less risky than other body piercings, they can still cause complications if not handled safely. For anyone thinking about getting their ears pierced, dermatologists urge people to follow these steps to avoid infection. Learn more:
Único en aspecto y estructura, cabello afro-americano es especialmente frágil y propenso a lesiones y daños. Más de la mitad de las mujeres afroamericanas citará el adelgazamiento del cabello o pérdida del cabello como la preocupación de su cabello. Afortunadamente, hay muchos que afroamericanos pueden hacer para ayudar a minimizar el daño y mantener su
Your skin can burn if it gets too much sun without proper protection from sunscreen and clothes. To help heal and soothe stinging skin, it is important to begin treating sunburn as soon as you notice it. Follow these dermatologists’ tips to help relieve the discomfort. Learn more:
Despite the name, athlete’s foot can happen to anyone. It is a common fungal infection that most people get from walking barefoot in moist public places, like a swimming pool deck or locker room. Athlete’s foot can result in flaky skin, cracking and itchiness on the soles of the foot and between the toes. To
0 Comments Since 1999, the American Academy of Dermatology, Major League Baseball, and the Major League Baseball Players Association have partnered on the Play Sun Smart™ program, a public service partnership, to raise skin cancer awareness while encouraging baseball fans to conduct skin self-exams and practice sun-safe behaviors. Each year, chances are good that skin cancer