Mental Health

It’s a 21st-century experience that most of us can relate to: getting stuck in a social media spiral that sucks us in at any given opportunity. But is there a dark side to our technology habit, which could be impacting our mental health? The unsurprising answer is, yes, there is. A study by the Royal
Do you feel like you’re constantly waiting to be found out? That you’re a fraud and shouldn’t be in the position you’re in? You’re not alone. Here we take a closer look at imposter syndrome As I read and re-read the message I’d been sent, I couldn’t help but feel a wave of imposter syndrome
Two schoolgirls launch Our Schools Now, a campaign seeking ‘cultural and educational change’, calling for mandatory education of street sexual harassment and violence in all UK schools British schoolgirls and students have had enough. Enough of the unwanted sexual harassment and violence on public streets that they are subjected to on a daily basis. Our
Do you constantly worry about what could go wrong if you try something new? Here’s why letting go of this anxiety, and embracing the idea of failure, could lead to bigger and better things… In a world where carefully-curated social media feeds show us pictures of perfection and success every day, failure is not something
New research published in The Journal of Physiology shows that oxytocin plays an important role in combatting stress disrupting our digestive systems Stress rarely leaves us feeling good physically or mentally, but research conducted at the Penn State University College of Medicine has revealed it could be having a greater impact on our digestive health