Chr. Hansen receives landmark approvals for HMOs in global markets

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The Danish bioscience specialist already supplies HMO ingredient 2’-fucosyllactose (2’-FL) to several global markets, but the latest authorisations greatly extend its geographical mandate within Europe, America and in Israel.

Senior Vice President HMO, Jesper Sig Mathiasen told “The new regulatory approvals make it possible to include HMOs in more infant formula products in new geographies, and it enables a higher penetration of HMOs in infant formula, which is an important growth driver for the HMO industry.”

Higher dose

The latest positive endorsements relate to HMO applications in infant formula and for other purposes, such as in medical and sports nutrition, and includes a landmark EU approval on dose supporting the addition of up to 1.8g/L of Lacto-N-tetraose (LNT) in infant and follow-on formula, food for infants and young children, food for special medical purposes and in food supplements.

Mathiasen said: “The EU approvals confirm the highest dosage levels in the market and make it possible with HMO blends of more product to bring infant formula closer to the natural concentration level in breastmilk, to the benefit of infants.

Chr. Hansen is continuously working on increasing the dosage levels and on expanding market access into new geographies on several single HMOs as well as mixes.”

HMO development

HMOs are prebiotics and the main component of breast milk comprising complex sugars that serve as an energy source. HMOs have a significant impact on infant health and promote intestinal microbiome diversity.

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