
Simon Collins, businessman, philanthropist and former chair of KPMG UK, has been making connections in the City for almost four decades. Now, as chair of our philanthropic giving circle the Catalyst Club, which turns 10 this year, he’s making connections of a different kind. Here, he tells us why he’s so passionate about uniting people
I know we featured watermelon salad last week, but it is just so good right now! I stumbled upon this recipe for watermelon fruit pizza, a healthy-ish take on more traditional fruit pizzas that have a cookie crust. This one uses the watermelon as the “crust” and is topped with a creamy yogurt mixture and
There is a real need for more tailored therapies for young people with cancer. For this year’s Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, clinician scientist Dr Sally George tells us about her work on neuroblastoma and why childhood cancers really do need specific research to develop the most effective treatments. Despite the differences in disease biology, children
Having a mastectomy is a very serious and life-changing experience. Deciding what to do after can also be overwhelming. Do you opt for reconstruction, go flat, or take advantage of nipple tattoos? Social media can help breast cancer patients read about the experiences of others to better understand their own options. However, sometimes helpful information
It’s hard to believe the traditional end of summer, Labor Day is upon us.  It’s a good time to take a moment and honor all that labor—work—means to us and our lives. This includes The works of our ancestors whose labor helped pave the way for each of us. The work of our own hands
If there is one fruit the screams summer to me, it’s watermelon. I have fond memories of summer picnics, seed spitting contests and fancy fruit baskets carved out of watermelons. Grab one today at the store (now seedless varieties are available!) and whip up this tasty watermelon salad. This is a very refreshing and great
Teachers are notoriously overworked and underpaid. It’s not uncommon for them to use money from their already slim paychecks to buy supplies for their classrooms, like decorations, notebooks, pens, prizes, and more. While they certainly don’t have to do this, many teachers go into the profession because they love what they do and they want
What is self-care? The term “self-care” is a buzzword in certain circles, but what does it actually mean, and how does one start doing it? Authors Lee and Miller defined self-care as, “a process of purposeful engagement in practices that promote holistic health and well-being of the self.” If that seems a little vague, it’s in part