
Aspirin provides many health benefits, including its ability to reduce inflammation. A group of researchers are hoping this benefit can be used to help improve treatment for triple negative breast cancer patients. An upcoming trial in the United Kingdom is pairing aspirin with the immunotherapy drug avelumab to see if the combination will help increase
Detecting cancer earlier requires many skills from many scientific disciplines. This is why our Early Detection Primer Awards are a clarion call to the interdisciplinary minded to turn their talents to cancer research. Here we catch-up with two of the latest awardees and find out why forensic and materials science are, in fact, ideal backgrounds
From Blossoms From blossoms comes this brown paper bag of peaches we bought from the boy at the bend in the road where we turned toward the signs painted Peaches. From laden boughs, from hands, from sweet fellowship in the bins, comes nectar at the roadside, succulent peaches we devour, dusty skin and all, comes
One of my favorite things about being a radiation therapist is the relationships that are formed, and the bonds that are created with patients. In most cases, I get the opportunity to interact with my patients daily for several weeks. I know that patients also value this relationship and I have been told hundreds of
We begin each week with a mindfulness thought, focus, meditation….something to help us we each begin the week. Every one reading, who is part of this online community, is in some way impacted by cancer. The stress of that influences how we cope. Each of us is also living in a time when our larger
Translation of research into clinical benefit for patients is vital if we are to beat cancer sooner – but how, exactly, do you do that? Start-up culture is thriving, but you need the skills and mindset to make it happen… that’s where we can help. We caught up with three of the latest companies to
I have a love/hate relationship with lettuce. I love it. It hates me. So, I was looking for an alternative for a summer salad, and one day, was just literally throwing stuff into a bowl when I came up with the scrumptious dish that is great for lunch, dinner, or as a side dish. Christina’s
The Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) has approved the immunotherapy drug nivolumab (Opdivo) for patients with a type of advanced oesophageal cancer – cancer that forms in the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach – who have previously received chemotherapy. Nivolumab is the first targeted immunotherapy treatment for people with this type of oesophageal
Good science is rooted in good research practice, and this means creating a positive, inclusive culture – which is why we took a real interest in the Government’s recent R&D People & Culture Strategy. It carries a bold ambition – to make the UK the best place in the world for researchers to do science.