Mental Health

Ride the waves and tap into self-care with these tips Have you ever had an emotion that felt ‘too much’, or feared that your feelings would overwhelm you? While emotions have an adaptive purpose – to help us stay safe, make decisions, communicate, and build social bonds – there are times when they become so
See the world around you in a new light with these tips for introducing romance into your day Not just something connected to love and relationships, romance can be as simple as harnessing feelings of mystery, excitement, exoticism, and appreciation of the day-to-day things that make life a pleasure to experience. Deeply connected to gratitude
Learn how to let go of self-deprecation, and instead talk positively about your achievements Most of us have been there: you are introduced to someone new as, “A talented writer/accountant/marketer/musician” etc. Rather than accept the compliment, chances are you swiftly downplay your strengths, and feel a little embarrassed. But why are we so quick to
What is it that makes a simple jigsaw puzzle such an effective mindfulness practice? It’s the rainy day classic that became a lockdown essential, and while there’s nothing new about puzzles (the first jigsaw is thought to have been created in 1762), many of us are just starting to realise the potentially mindful boost that
Family bonds often run the deepest, which is why it’s all the more painful when they break down. Here, with the help of a counsellor, we explore how to navigate difficult family relationships Families: they’re not always easy. Separation, blended households, addictions, mental illness, money problems, betrayal, expectations, communication, or simply clashing personalities – there
Sort the facts from the fiction when it comes to the sensitive topic of self-harm Content warning: this piece discusses topics and details relating to self-harm. Names have been changed for privacy. A Lancet Psychiatry study found that, in 2014, 6% of 16–74-year-olds living in England had self-harmed, which is equivalent to more than one
The first children’s book launched by the NSPCC, ‘Pantosaurus and the Power of PANTS’ hopes to help families have simple conversations about sexual abuse Following a crowdfunding campaign, which raised more than £46,440, the children’s charity NSPCC has now launched its first book, set to help families have conversations with their children about difficult topics
To support more adults, children and young people struggling with their mental health, The Help Hub are seeking volunteer therapists When the pandemic began, life, as we knew it got, turned upside down. For many, this affected their mental health, leading to a surge in demand for support. NHS services became overwhelmed and for some,
Spend some quality time together, with these five mindful activities for couples Offer a sensual massage You don’t have to be a master masseuse to take your partner on a relaxing mind and body journey. YouTube has a huge selection of tutorials for basic massage techniques that you can try out. Just remember, take it