Mental Health

Keep your communications clear by considering your body language and how you can demonstrate active listening Showing attentiveness to a conversation lets people feel heard, and can open up the door for more meaningful interactions, showing the person you’re engaging with that you’re receptive to what they’re saying. There are some behaviours you’ll probably be
Feeling lost and uninspired with your career? Ask yourself the following questions… We spend a large portion of our days, weeks, and lives at work, to the point where, often, the time we spend on developing our careers and businesses outweighs time with friends and families. This isn’t necessarily negative; hopefully our work supports us
What is sapiosexuality, what does it mean, and how can it affect our relationships? Attraction. Sometimes it can be hard to define but there’s no denying that we like what we like, and exploring and embracing those desires can be great not only for our relationships, but our mental health, wellbeing, and sexual satisfaction. If
From dopamine dressing to radical self-acceptance, explore how to tap into a limitless version of you Hello Happiful readers, What’s your favourite colour? Hang on, let me guess. Is it blue? It’s a trick borrowed from Lauren Labrecque, an associate professor at the University of Rhode Island. Lauren would ask the same question to her